Reunion (17)

"Although we're allowed to register our marriage using our passports, my mother had instructed the Civil Administrative Office to restrict me from doing so, precisely because she's aware of this possible method. Qingyan and Ciye also suffer the same fate as me. But don't worry, I'll be able to steal it. I know where my mother keeps the registers."

Feeling uncertain about his suggestion, Mei Yangyang said, "If you manage to get a hold of it and we manage to register our marriage successfully, wouldn't your parents detest me even more when they find out?"

"Their opinion doesn't matter. What matters is I'm in love with you. Besides, by the time things are set in stone and we give them a grandchild, there's nothing they can do regardless of how strongly they are against our marriage."

"Your parents are going to kill you!" Mei Yangyang jested, punching him playfully.