Reunion (30)

The gathering was held in a large private room in Entertainment City.

By the time Mei Yangyang and Long Tianze arrived, everyone was already present in the room. To Long Tianze's surprise, Jin Qingyue had also turned up.

He was momentarily stunned at the sight of Jin Qingyue, who had gotten way chubbier since the last time he saw her.

However, due to the fact that her features were attractive to begin with, Jin Qingyue did not become hideous despite having gained so much weight.

Jin Qingyue was initially reluctant to turn up, but Jin Qingyan insisted she come along for some fun, thinking that she needed an outlet to relieve her stress and just relax.

Mei Yangyang shifted her gaze to the spot beside Jin Qingyan where An Xiaoning's clone was seated.

In fact, her outfit for the night had already caught Jin Qingyan's attention.

It suddenly struck his mind that the woman he loved had once donned the outfit Mei Yangyang was dressed in.