Reunion (37)

"People usually ditch their friends for their other halves, yet you're the other way round. You value your friend over your husband," Long Tianze groused in distaste.

"You may be upset and annoyed, but you have to accept it. I'm going to sleep together with my bosom sister tonight," Mei Yangyang said, chuckling.

"I'll go with you to pick them up."

"Sure. It's time you found out anyway. Bring our children along too. I've promised to make her the godmother of our children, like how I'm the godmother of her son."

"You took things into your own hand and made decisions without discussing with me again," chided an infuriated Long Tianze.

"Yeah, I did. I didn't see a need to discuss such matters with you. Don't think I don't know what you're hiding from me. Now that I think of it, I've gained the upper hand since you don't know about my secret even though I already know yours."

Long Tianze was confused by her words.