Son, I'm Your Father (7)

As she was scrutinizing Jin Qingyan, he was doing the same to her as well.

It was only an exchange of glances between them, but it burned like the fiery passion in his heart.

Jin Qingyan leaned down his body and pressed his lips down on hers, and An Xiaoning's body reacted by leaning close to his.

Their clothes were ripped off in a mess and their minds were freed of every other small thing. During this very moment, the hardships they went through were all in the past. It was just about the two of them being by each other's side.

He could hardly contain his happiness as he basked in the love she showed him.

At three in the morning, the two finally stopped to rest.

Looking at her flushed cheeks, Jin Qingyan couldn't help but nibble one. She let out a short yelp of pain.

Turning to glare at him, she screamed, "Why did you bite me?"

"Because I want to."

She replied furiously, "Get off me."