No One Is Allowed to Bully Her Except Me (7)

In the morning, Jin Qingyue dropped Jin Bao'er off at school, where she instructed the teachers to forbid anyone else other than herself from picking Jin Bao'er up, even if they claimed to be a relative.

While driving back from the school, Jin Qingyue chanced upon a fortune-telling stall along the way. In a moment of curiosity, she decided to have a look and try her luck to see if the fortune-teller was accurate with his readings. She pulled over and got down from the car.

She sat down in front of the elderly fortune-teller and said, "I'd like to know about my marriage prospects."

"Miss, what are your birth characters?" asked the fortune-teller.

Jin Qingyue revealed her birth characters to him.

The elderly man then took out a book slowly and flipped through its pages before saying, "Have you already ended your marriage?"

"Yes," Jin Qingyue answered with a nod.