The Secret About the Past (4)

The meal went on smoothly and they shared the entire bottle of whiskey between themselves. Lin Mingxi could not hold her liquor well and thus got extremely tipsy while Gu Beicheng was still rather sober.

She could not even walk steadily when it was time for them to part.

Gu Beicheng had no choice but to help her into his car and send her home.

Once they got into his car, he reached out to help Lin Mingxi fasten her safety belt, only to have his hand grabbed by her all of a sudden. Staring at him with her eyes glassed over, she said, "Gu Beicheng, can I tell you an honest opinion?"

"What is it?"

"I feel really good about you."

She hugged his arm and placed her head on his shoulders while murmuring, "Gu Beicheng, let's get married."

Gu Beicheng remained silent, greatly taken aback by her sudden confession.