The Secret About the Past (37)

"Young Madam, I've managed to find out about the matter you instructed me to look into. It's said that the Reverend lives deep inside the mountains and many wealthy people have tried to consult him to no avail."

"Have you found out the exact location?"

"Yes, I have."

"Let's go right now."

"Young Madam, you want to head there now?" Fan Shixin asked in astonishment.

"I still think this matter is more important. Arrange for the helicopter to take us there, it'd be more convenient that way."

"Alright, I'll do that right away."

An Xiaoning shut down the computer and sorted the documents.

She then put on her coat and left together with Fan Shixin.

An Xiaoning drove back to Wei Ni Estate and changed into a sports attire. She also brought along two extra sets as well as all the necessary items.

After she was done preparing, she drove towards her private hangar.