The Secret About the Past (49)

They used to share a close mother-and-son relationship in the past. However, after all the unhappy events, they had grown rather distant from each other. It was truly rare to hear him apologize to her.

"You silly child. I really don't know what to say about you. Why did you make a will at such a young age? You've bequeathed all your assets and company shares to your wife and son, yet you only left your mother with an entitlement to a meager amount of monthly maintenance fees. Are your brains fried?" Mrs. Jin chided.

Jin Qingyan was stunned to hear that he had bequeathed all of his assets to his wife and son.

He began to wonder how much he actually loved his wife and son to have decided to make such an extreme decision.

"Why aren't you speaking?" Mrs. Jin asked with a frown.

"Mother, Brother is suffering from amnesia," Jin Qingyue blurted.

Mrs. Jin broke down into tears again and began bawling even more loudly.