The Secret About the Past (52)

"I would rather be by myself than have a hundred scumbags like you. Who was the one who made me gain that much weight? If you think you're so high and mighty, forget about seeing Bao'er. You're just a rotten piece of trash with a gilded exterior. What's there to be proud of?"

Jin Qingyue carried her purse and stormed off in her sky-high heels, unable to tolerate another second of being in his presence.

Shi Shaochuan watched as her figure vanished from the entrance of the cafe, an icy cold stare in his eyes.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when An Xiaoning woke up.

She got out of bed and drew the curtains open to allow the bright rays of the sun to shine inside her room.

Brows furrowed, Jin Qingyan struggled to open his eyes. Staring at her bare body, he could not help but feel a strange sense of sentiment at the thought of the crazy night they just had.