The Secret About the Past (68)

"Don't see her if you hate it then. We're not in need of money anyway. Besides, I don't want you to tire yourself out. What's the point of going toe to toe against her in the office? You two are biological sisters after all. Although you may not get along well with each other, there's no need to make things worse. Besides, you still have me," said Gu Beicheng.

Lin Mingxi nodded in agreement. "I'll heed your advice then."

"What would you like to eat? Let's go together."

"I don't have any special cravings, I'm fine with eating anywhere."

Gu Beicheng brought her to a restaurant. "Xiaoning and I dined here before. The food's pretty delectable. Here's the menu."

Lin Mingxi took the menu from his hands and ordered a few dishes before handing the menu back to the waiter. Scanning her surroundings, she said, "What an artistic restaurant."