The Secret About the Past (85)

Song Yan put her phone away and said, "But he and I always end up arguing every other day. It's a never-ending cycle that I'm starting to get sick and tired of."

"You two are too obstinate, that's why you always end up in a conflict. You may be dominant in your career, but you shouldn't be too domineering towards your man. Otherwise, it's only going to backfire," Huahua advised.

"I really think he wouldn't bother about me if it weren't because of our baby. I really hope our baby will be fine."

"It'll be fine. Didn't you already go for a checkup?"

Song Yan nodded and said, "I really hope that's the case."

Ling Ciye made his way to the hospital to accompany her after learning that she had been hospitalized.

They both tried their best not to bring up any topics that would lead to an argument and made an effort to talk about joyous matters instead.

Several days passed by peacefully without conflict.