The Secret About the Past (88)

Not to forget, she was a member of the Gu family too.

An Xiaoning racked her brains to come up with a possible suspect who instigated the abduction. After pondering it through thoroughly, the only names she could think of was Xu Youran and Gu Dongcheng.

Who would stand to gain the most if Gu Beicheng and Lin Mingxi went missing?

It was none other than Gu Dongcheng.

Without them around, he would have the Gu Corporation all to himself.

Who would benefit the most if An Xiaoning went missing?

Xu Youran, of course.

Perhaps Xu Youran has already found out about the possibility of me belonging to the Xu family, that's why…

A grave expression formed on An Xiaoning's face.

Indeed, if you don't eradicate the root cause completely, there was bound to be more trouble in the future.