The Secret About the Past (96)

As soon as An Xiaoning opened the door, she was greeted with the sight of Jin Qingyan, who carried her inside the room before she could even react.

He slammed the door shut with his foot.

Jin Qingyan lifted her in his arms and flung her onto the bed.

"How did you get here?"

"By plane, of course," Jin Qingyan answered.

"You know I wasn't referring to that…"

Without another word, Jin Qingyan removed his clothes straight away and pinned her down beneath him. He then pinched An Xiaoning's nose, causing her tears to flow out of her eyes.

"You really scared me."


An Xiaoning burst into laughter and said, "Was it really that bad?"

"Yes. Don't laugh, this is a serious matter," said Jin Qingyan, staring at her sternly.

However, not only did she not stop, she also continued to guffaw even more merrily.

Jin Qingyan watched as she continued to laugh.