The Secret About the Past (106)

"How should I explain this? Hmm, I just find that all the matches in description are purely coincidental," said An Xiaoning, voicing her thought.

Madam Xu smiled and said, "We'll know after the results are out."


This time, they again chose to run the tests with two separate centers.

Everyone was filled with anxiety while waiting for the results of the test conducted using their hair samples.

Needless to say, the Xu family hoped that the results would prove An Xiaoning to be part of them.

On the other hand, An Xiaoning prayed fervently that the results would prove otherwise.

After several hours, the results they had all been waiting for anxiously were finally out.

An Xiaoning felt a huge sense of relief the moment the results from the first center were out.

She was proven to be biologically unrelated to the Xu family and was not their daughter.

The results from the second center were identical.