The Secret About the Past (130)

"Daddy!" Jin Yiheng exclaimed while running downstairs with tears in his eyes.

Jin Qingyan sprung up from his seat and hurried toward the stairwell. Jin Yiheng leaped onto him and cried, "Daddy! Daddy!"

He was bawling and trembling from head to toe at the same time, seemingly having suffered a great shock.

"Son, what's wrong? Tell Daddy, what happened? Did you have a nightmare?" He turned around and carried Jin Yiheng toward the dining table.

Jin Yiheng turned as pale as a sheet with tears streaming down his face uncontrollably. He buried his head in Jin Qingyan's shoulder and wailed in agony.

Jin Qingyan and Fan Shixin had never seen him bawling so intensely before.

"Little Sir, just what happened? Hurry, tell Uncle Shixin and Daddy."

Pointing at the stairwell, Jin Yiheng yelled, "Chase that person away quickly!"

The two of them looked toward the stairwell, only to find that there was not a single soul in sight.