The Secret About the Past (134)

To Yuan Mingzhu's astonishment, Xu Youran's efficiency was far higher than she had expected.

Not long after they parted ways, Xu Youran proceeded to settle the administrative procedures required for the handover of the apartment and transferred it to Yuan Mingzhu.

Located within close proximity to the police station, the apartment, which consisted of three bedrooms and one hall, must have cost at least a million dollars or more.

Yet, Xu Youran gave it to her so easily.

Yuan Mingzhu was elated and thrilled to finally have her own home, which she had always dreamed of. She had always wanted to let her mother move in with her so she could take care of the latter.

Were her wishes going to come true all of a sudden?

Yuan Mingzhu returned to the office, as happy as a lark.

Happiness was written all over her face as she could not contain her excitement, which her colleagues had noticed.