The Secret About the Past (151)

"Have we met somewhere before?" Lin Shishi asked, staring at An Xiaoning.

An Xiaoning shook her head in denial.

"That's strange, I have a feeling I've seen you somewhere before. But I can't remember where. I feel like your silhouette looks rather familiar," said Lin Shishi, racking her brains in a bid to recall where she had seen An Xiaoning before.

"She has a very common face. It's no surprise that you find her familiar," Tuoba Gucheng remarked.

An Xiaoning stood rooted to the ground and remained standing for the next two hours, during which they had a whale of a time.

After sending Jin Minxing and Lin Shishi out, Tuoba Danxue said, "Brother, Lin Shishi seems like a nice and candid person. She's really pretty too. I think she'd be a good choice for your wife."

"Indeed. I think she's a great girl too."

However, he did not love her and all he could say was that he neither fancied nor disliked her.

