The Secret About the Past (157)

Finally, the tightly-shut door opened.

To An Xiaoning's surprise, the man whom she imagined to be a monk was completely different from her expectations.

He was fairly handsome and slim, with a full head of hair. He appeared rather youthful with radiant and healthy skin, perhaps due to his long-term vegetarian diet.

Tuoba Shuo was momentarily stunned to see the pair of eyes before him. He squinted and asked in an extremely faint voice, "Qingzhou?"

An Xiaoning knew who he was referring to.

"May I enter?"

"Please, come in." He was in a state of confusion and seemed to be in a trance. The instant that the door was shut, An Xiaoning felt him embrace her tightly from behind.

"Qingzhou, you're still alive, aren't you?" he asked agitatedly in disbelief.

An Xiaoning remained still and asked, "Why did you stay here for so many years?"

"Because you're no longer around."