The Secret About the Past (161)

When he left his mother's place, he coincidentally ran into An Xiaoning, who was passing by.

With her mask on, he almost did not recognize her.

"What are you doing here?" The tone of his voice had turned much gentler unconsciously.

"Waiting for you." An Xiaoning went on in a low voice, "I've already sent the hair to carry out a paternity test. Actually, I don't really want to know the results."


"Because whether you are my father or not, it's not important to me anymore. I will still respect you very much in my heart and treat you like my father. I'm really thankful to you for everything you've done for my mother."

Listening to her words, Tuoba Shuo felt a slight stir in his heart.

Seeing that he was moved, An Xiaoning whispered, "When the results are out, I'll tell you first thing. Don't be too pressured and think too much. Please rest well."

After walking past him, she briskly walked back.