The Secret About the Past (184)

Panic engulfed An Xiaoning the moment she heard his words. "Why would you say that? Tell me exactly, just what are you unhappy about? Tell me everything. Let's talk things through properly."

Jin Qingyan was not in the mood to discuss his grievances with her patiently. He briefly said, "Regarding the child…"

"What about the child? Are you upset because I hid the pregnancy from you? I just didn't want to worry you, and I was afraid that you wouldn't allow me to stay here anymore after you've found out about the child."

"Is that so? Will you come home if I want you to right now?" he questioned, utterly disappointed.

"Qingyan, didn't I already say this before? It'd be difficult for me to come back in here again once I leave. No matter what, I have to continue staying here to find out the truth about my mother. Besides… there's no way for me to leave the palace right now," she said in a gentle voice.