The Secret About the Past (189)

Tuoba Gucheng's heart was racing nervously. Why couldn't she be awakened if she was just sleeping?

She was that deeply asleep?

But since the doctor had already said that, he could only put her on the sofa and let her be. She was supposed to be on duty to protect him, but now it was the opposite…

He stood there, looking down at her as she slept. Perhaps it was because of something that they had done, something that should not have happened between them, his attitude toward her had improved drastically. Also, as he looked at her now, she did not seem that ugly, after all.

Or could it be that his eyesight was declining?

Throughout the night, he occasionally woke up to check on her and realized she was sleeping all well and fine.

He'd thought that she would wake up the following day.

However, the reality was that she didn't.

Even the doctor did not know what was going on.