The Secret About the Past (201)

Mo Li shook her head profusely and said, "No, you're not my husband. My husband doesn't speak in this tone. You just… just look like him."

Realizing that she was beginning to murmur incoherently in a drunken stupor, Ye Xiaotian asked, "Do you regret marrying your husband?"

"Do I have a choice? I've never had the freedom to choose right from the beginning. I guess it'll remain that way for the rest of my life," Mo Li said with a mirthless chuckle.

Ye Xiaotian was perturbed to hear her words.

He had gotten into a relationship with her when he was 20 years old and she, 18. In the blink of an eye, he was already 31 and she was 29 years old.

So many years had passed without them even realizing.

Perhaps it was just like what she said, the decision will forever lie in his hands.