The Secret About the Past (206)

The bodyguards left half an hour before Ye Xiaotian's return.

Mo Li lay in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

She remained still like a statue.

Ye Jiani was sprawled across the bed, wailing in agony.

Ye Xiaotian was greeted with that very sight when he appeared at the bedroom door.

The room reeked of urine while she lay in bed like a corpse.


Mo Li ignored him, as if she didn't hear him at all.

At the same time, Ye Jiani was bawling continuously and choking with sobs.

"Daddy, Grandma came and made Mommy drink some dirty water…"

Ye Xiaotian caressed her head and said softly, "Nini, go out first. Daddy would like to speak to Mommy for a little bit."

Ye Jiani exited the bedroom while still sobbing.

Ye Xiaotian stepped forward and called out softly, "Lili?"