The Secret About the Past (216)

"Of course not. I love our Xiaoxi the most, look how adorable she is with those chubby cheeks of hers, just like her mother. I feel like pinching them every time I see her. Who am I going to spoil if I don't pamper Xiaoxi?" he said with a look of innocence.


As per normal, An Xiaoning headed upstairs after dinner to take a shower, apply a facial mask, and go to bed.

This had become An Xiaoning's nightly routine before going to bed.

Just as she lay down in bed in her pajamas after applying her facial mask, she heard a sudden knocking on the door.

"Who's there?"

"Me," Tuoba Gucheng said in his deep, alluring voice.

An Xiaoning removed the facial mask and put on the human skin mask before opening the door.

"Your Highness, do you have any orders for me?"

He took a look at her pajamas and entered straight away. "Close the door."