The Secret About the Past (232)

He did not wish to continue being trapped in her dungeon any longer and yearned to escape this agonizing purgatory.

He wanted to be freed from the sorrow and misery she had caused him to feel as soon as possible.

Every second of the mere ten minutes of pain felt like years.

Jin Qingyan slowly began to ease up as the pain he felt gradually faded. Jin Qingyan took a deep breath and sat up straight. It seemed his plans to take an afternoon nap had been foiled.

Tuoba Rui was in high spirits over finally being able to sit down for a meal with all his family members.

Shi Xiaoyu had been extremely troubled because of the fact that Shi Qingzhou had been rescued. She had no choice but to send her subordinates to investigate in secret. However, there had yet to be any news even until now.

Her prisoner actually managed to escape right under her nose.