A Million Times for You (1)

An Xiaoning did not see him around after exiting the washroom.

Filled with an ominous feeling and uneasiness, she ran toward the entrance and yelled, "Ji Yu!"

There was no response.

She suddenly recalled Jin Qingyan's words that evening. Could it be…

Just as she was thinking that Jin Qingyan had abducted Ji Yu, a tall and slender figure began walking toward her.

"I saw a store nearby and decided to go there to get you a pair of gloves since you seem rather chilly," Ji Yu explained, handing her the pair of gloves he had bought.

An Xiaoning was surprised to see how meticulous he was. Staring at the pair of gloves in his hands, she accepted it and thanked him, not wanting to turn down his kind gesture.

"Don't mention it."

"It's getting late. Go back and rest early. I drove here today," An Xiaoning said while smiling.

"Seems like I won't have the honor of escorting you home tonight then. Alright, drive safely."