A Million Times for You (16)

"How are you adapting to life here?"

"Not too bad. I've lived under harsh living conditions for a long period of time before, so I don't have any trouble adapting to life here," Xu Baizhi answered, appearing much more gentle and warm, as opposed to the aloof attitude she had when they met in the Autumn Palace back then.

An Xiaoning chucked her hands inside her pocket and said, "That's good. I can't accompany Teacher every day. But with you around, I'm much less worried. Note down my mobile number. Contact me whenever Teacher is not feeling well during the times that I'm not around."

"Sure." Xu Baizhi saved An Xiaoning's number in her own mobile phone and sent her number to the latter as well.

An Xiaoning saved Xu Baizhi's number in her contacts.

"I'll be taking my leave now then."