A Million Times for You (22)

"Why should I call you?" Her tone was slightly sarcastic. "Who do you think you are?"

Jin Qingyan's heart was about to explode. But on the surface, he remained composed like still water.

"Do you want to verify in front of that major who exactly I am to you…?"

His voice was filled with agitation and threat, which he could not suppress. He started moving even closer to her.

An Xiaoning stood there motionless and just watched as he gradually neared her.

Even when their bodies were stuck close to each others', she did not back off at all.

"Jin Qingyan, don't push your luck."

"To you, every inch I go forward is probably enjoyable."

After he said that, An Xiaoning jerked her knee upward at his fatal spot. In that moment, Jin Qingyan felt that it was almost the end of the world.

An Xiaoning then turned to leave immediately and did not look back at all.