A Million Times for You (31)

Shi Xiaoyu bumped into her elder son, Tuoba Hancheng, the moment she made her way downstairs.

"Are you looking for your father?" she asked.

"Yes. Mother, I'd like to move out of the Autumn Palace," said Tuoba Hancheng, who seemed to be in low spirits. He felt that there was no longer a need to be trapped in this palace since there was no chance of him becoming the president anyway.

"Where are you moving to?"

"Anywhere but here."

Shi Xiaoyu could not be bothered to intervene and said simply, "Go inform your father about it. I'm staying out of your decision."

Tuoba Hancheng headed upstairs and soon disappeared out of sight.

Shi Xiaoyu was troubled and plagued with woes. Decades have passed since she married Tuoba Rui. Yet, they had slept on the same bed for only a pathetically small number of times.

Surprisingly, they actually gave birth to three children.

She had never once in her life managed to win his heart.