A Million Times for You (35)

Without further delay, An Xiaoning gave the eight of them a medical card each, which contained credit that could only be used for footing medical bills. On top of that, she also gave them another cash card that contained five thousand dollars for their food expenses. The money would be sufficient to last them for months, if they did not splurge on anything else except food and necessities.

She then brought the four other servants to purchase some daily necessities, beds, blankets, undergarments, clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, food and beverages, as well as several other household supplies.

On the way home, No. 11 said, "Master, you're the first person who's treated us like humans."

To An Xiaoning, perceiving her servants as humans were the basics of being a good employer.

"Since I've bought your indentures, you guys belong to me now. Of course I'd treat you well."