A Million Times for You (40)

Jin Qingyue looked up and gazed at his chiseled features under the dim light. She knew exactly what he meant.

"My reputation is still tarnished. In fact, it's far worse than before. Auntie wouldn't agree to our relationship."

"I've thought about it carefully. It'll take a long time to completely clear your name. There are all kinds of people on the internet. We'd be too idealistic if we're hoping for those netizens to change their attitude toward you completely. I'll talk to my parents about it."

Jin Qingyue obviously wanted to marry him, though she was anxious and uncertain.

She remained silent.

The two of them had a peaceful sleep that night.

The next morning, Jin Qingyue placed the outfit she chose onto the bed and asked, "Brother Ciye, what do you think of this?"

"Not bad," he answered, giving her a nod of approval.

"How about this one?"

"Looks good too."

"Which one looks better?"