A Million Times for You (55)

"Ms. Xu Youran, you're a mother-to-be too. May I ask how you'd brought yourself to attempt to take my life time and time again? Were you planning to watch my son become motherless?"

"I can't outargue you. If you're here to see how pathetic of a plight I'm in, you may leave after you're done."

In high spirits, An Xiaoning answered, "Of course I came to see how pathetic you are. I have to take a good look since it's the last time I'll be seeing you. I'm sure that even if you weren't here right now, you'd be dying by my hands sooner or later. It's only a matter of time. We've decided to be kind and spare you from a torturous punishment. How would you like to die?"

"Peacefully," Xu Youran muttered.

"That doesn't seem to suit you."

"Didn't you ask me how I wanted to die?"