A Million Times for You (58)

An Xiaoning was still ill at ease when she lay in bed after taking a shower.

She constantly pondered the incident over and over again.

Since she had trouble sleeping, she decided to read the book her mentor had given to her, all the way until half past eleven that night.

Realizing that it was getting late, she switched off the lights and went to bed.

She had a dream.

In her dream, she was standing right outside the cave opening while the spirits inside were inviting her to enter.

She mustered up the courage and went inside boldly.

As soon as she stepped foot inside, she was surrounded by an eerie, chilly air, and she proceeded to walk toward the coffin slowly.

She wanted to open the coffin and see what was inside.

However, the coffin was tightly shut, and she could not manage to open it at all. She turned around and asked the spirits, "Who's in there?"