A Million Times for You (64)

Huahua then got out of the card and apologized to An Xiaoning in a polite tone with her hands put together, "Ms. An, please be magnanimous and forgive us. Don't stoop to our level. We're very, very sorry."

An Xiaoning sneered, "I'm a moral and upright person. I don't need to ride on a man's coattails to rise to power and get to where I am today. Ms. Song has had a hard time achieving the success she has today. Don't let that success and your efforts go down the drain because of something you said without thinking. That'll be a much greater loss. I truly saw Ms. Song's true colors when I read her fortune previously. Does she really think she can compel me to read her fortune by badmouthing me after I rejected her? Don't cross the line since I've decided not to argue with you. I'm afraid Ms. Song won't be able to bear the consequences if she goes overboard and provoke me!"

Her volume was rather loud, and everyone inside the car could hear her clearly.