A Million Times for You (123)

"It's Mommy's fault, I was wrong. Nini, Mommy bought you a lot of pretty clothes and shoes, as well as your favorite hair accessories. I'll burn them for you now. Put on the pretty clothes and reincarnate into a better family," said Mo Li, lighting up the offerings frantically with a lighter.

After casting the paper ingots and paper money into the fire, Mo Li knelt onto the ground and began kowtowing incessantly. "Heibai, Wuchang, thank you so much. Please don't let Jiani suffer along her way to reincarnation. Thank you so much, thank you…"

"Mommy!" Ye Jiani bawled before continuing, "Mommy, don't cry, you must be happy…"

In order not to let her daughter worry, Mo Li said coaxingly, "Okay, okay. Go ahead and reincarnate in peace. I'll be happy from now onward, I promise you."