A Million Times for You (131)

An Xiaoning did not talk or eat much during the meal and put her chopsticks down rather early.

She said that she was full when Madam Lin told her to eat more.

However, no one dared to leave without Tuoba Gucheng's go-ahead, including Jin Yiheng, who put on his best behavior and remained seated quietly while waiting for the dinner to end.

The hour-long meal felt like a grueling million years for both of them.

Fortunately, there had to be an end to it, regardless of how long it may last. Just as An Xiaoning was about to leave, Lin Shishi suggested that they go out for a walk to aid their digestion.

It was impossible for her to turn it down.

An Xiaoning instructed Jin Yiheng not to wander off on his own before proceeding to take a walk around the Lin family mansion together with Lin Shishi.