A Million Times for You (134)

"I know, I'll talk to Father and Uncle." Tuoba Gucheng ended the call abruptly, astounded by his mother's actions. Just why did she have to do that?

Tuoba Rui, too, had no idea why Shi Xiaoyu wanted to do that. He was at the ancestral graveyard when he received an overseas call from Tuoba Shuo. After calling his son, he then stormed off to the Autumn Palace.

Tuoba Rui arrived home in a huff when the panic-stricken Shi Xiaoyu was lying in bed, trying to calm herself down.

He unlocked the door with the spare key and stared at Shi Xiaoyu. Without another word, he strode toward her and gave her a few hard slaps across her face.

Shi Xiaoyu shrieked in terror while feeling giddy from the impact.