A Million Times for You (151)

"I was hungry when I didn't eat… Now that I've eaten, I regret it so badly… I've already brushed my teeth, now I have to brush them again… if only I didn't eat…"

Yan Ge packed up the leftover food and took a few bites of noodles. He had little of the lamb skewers as well, as Fang Erlan had eaten most of them. He only took two and did not have a single drop of beer.

He watched as she lay on the sofa with her eyes almost closing and ordered, "Go back to your room to sleep."

Fang Erlan replied weakly, "Yan Ge, I can't move anymore…"

"You're stuck there?"

"Yup…" Looking at him approach her and look down at her from above, Fang Erlan asked him cheerily, "Are you going to carry me back to my room just like what you did in the movie?"

Yan Ge did not say a word and grabbed her by her arms, dragging her out of the door over the carpet. With that, he closed the door heartlessly.