A Million Times for You (165)

An Xiaoning noticed the look of fear and panic in Jin Qingyan's eyes when he was speaking; he had completely lost his usual composure.

"I'm right here, aren't I? Are you bothered by the fact that we can only meet each other secretly like how we are now?" An Xiaoning asked.

"That's not an issue for me. I'm just bothered by how you feel about me."

"What else are you worried about, then? You're the only person I love, Jin Qingyan," An Xiaoning said reassuringly with a smile.

He turned over and pinned her beneath him. Staring at her with glistening eyes that were devoid of his initial panic, he said while smiling, "I'm hungry."

"What would you like to eat? I'll get No. 13 to prepare it for you."

"Nothing, I just want to devour you."

"You haven't eaten yet, are you sure you have the energy?"

"You'll know after we try."

She grabbed his wandering hand and said, "Let's eat first…"
