A Million Times for You (192)

"Are you guys leaving already?"


The spirit nodded and said, "I chanced upon grim reapers today and they were there specifically to catch me. However, I managed to escape with all my might. Could you burn me some money? I'm afraid that they'll catch and torture me."

"Alright. It's the wee hours of the night right now and all the clothing stores are closed. I did bring some extra clothes with me, you'll probably be able to fit into them. I've also brought some paper money along. I'll burn them all to you later."

The spirit cried tears of joy and gratitude. "Thank you so much."

"Don't mention it."

An Xiaoning took out a joss stick and placed it onto a plate meant for mosquito coils. She then took out all of the paper money and clothing she had bought and set them on fire on the cemented ground of the house.

Soon, thick fumes began to fill the air and Xiao Bai opened the window to allow for ventilation.