A Million Times for You (196)

Just as she was engrossed in staring at the photo, Tuoba Gucheng snatched the camera away from her hands forcefully.

"Who allowed you to touch my things?" he barked, glaring at her coldly.

Lin Shishi immediately said, "I was just casually looking. But why do you have photos of Mu Ning in your camera?"

"Get out."

Tears welled up in Lin Shishi's eyes as she turned around to leave his office.

Upon returning to the bedroom, she called in two of his bodyguards, one of whom was Xiao Chi.

"Madam, do you have any orders for us?"

"Do you guys remember Mu Ning, that bodyguard who used to follow my husband around?"

"Yes," Xiao Chi answered.

"Where did that woman go?"

"We have no idea, she resigned and left long ago. We don't know where she went."

"How did she get along with Gucheng usually?"

"They shared a normal employer-subordinate relationship."

"Got it, you may leave."