A Million Times for You (203)

The woman patted the bed and said, "Lie down."

Pangs of panic engulfed Gu Dongcheng as he asked, "Just what… are you going to do to me?"

"We'll cut your tongue off if you continue asking redundant questions," the woman warned sternly. She then looked at a man who appeared to be in his forties and said with a gentler expression on her face, "Teacher Bei Qi, can we begin now?"

"Yes," said the man, gesturing for her to start.

The man stepped forward and looked at Gu Dongcheng from above. He said reassuringly, "Don't be afraid, I'll just be hypnotizing you. You'll feel like you're asleep and you won't die. Believe me, okay?"

Gu Dongcheng nodded and said, "Okay, but…"

He then looked at the man who brought him here and asked, "Does the deal you promised me earlier still hold?"

"Of course."

"Close your eyes," Bei Qi said gently, as if he were coaxing a child.