A Million Times for You (213)

She continued, "Currently, members belonging to the DK terrorist organization are widespread, especially in S Nation. I have no idea why you guys chose to become his lackeys, but I'd like to tell you, you're going to be a lackey all the same, regardless of who you work for. So why don't you choose an employer who'll treat you better? I'll give you a new identity if you're willing to follow me, and I'll inform Pei Yi of your deaths. No one else will know who you are, except me."

"What about him?" Bei Qi asked, pointing at the man whose legs were shot.

"What do you think?"

"I've long heard about how extraordinary you are, Ms. An. I finally got to witness it with my own eyes today. I really think you're nowhere inferior to Pei Yi at all. You're pretty, brave, and courageous."

"Quit buttering me up. Are you going to agree or not?" An Xiaoning dismissed his compliments coldly.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll one day return to Pei Yi?"