A Million Times for You (222)

Jing Tian immediately whipped out his phone to call An Xiaoning.

Upon hearing what happened, An Xiaoning immediately instructed Jing Tian to kill a live chicken and splash the chicken blood onto Xiao Yue. She also told them to observe the situation while waiting for her to arrive.

She headed there in a helicopter due to how urgent it was.

Once the helicopter touched down on the streets near the ancient town, she slowly slid down the rope.

Jing Tian frantically rushed forward and said to an Xiaoning, "The chicken blood has no effect on her at all. We offered prayers to the gods and spirits before filming commenced here. Who knew something like that would still happen? Seems like the prayers don't work at all."

"Let's go in and take a look."

Jing Tian followed closely behind An Xiaoning. As soon as she opened the door, her senses were infiltrated with the metallic odor of blood.