A Million Times for You (225)

"Rong Yan."

"How old are you?"

"Four this year."

An Xiaoning felt a strong sense of sympathy for Rong Yan, who was far more sensible than other children his age.

"Your grandfather wants you to go back with me to my nation and call me 'Mommy.' Are you willing to do so?"

Rong Yan was surprised to hear that she was seeking his opinion.

"I'm willing to. That's the only way I can put Grandpa's mind at ease."

"Such an obedient child," An Xiaoning praised, caressing his frizzy hair.

She stood up and held his hand while walking toward the elderly man's room.

Gu Beicheng was lying on an empty bed, which was beside a window.

The window was open, allowing the light from outside to illuminate the room up.

The elderly man stroked Gu Beicheng's wounds and told An Xiaoning ambitiously, "He will recover, but it'll take a longer time to treat him. His wounds are going to take a great deal of effort to heal."