A Million Times for You (237)

Jin Yiheng turned around and immediately got down from the chair, running toward An Xiaoning like a gust of wind and wrapping his arms around her tightly. "Mommy, why have you come?"

"Mommy wanted to bring the two of you out to eat. But since you guys are already eating, there's no need to go out to eat anymore."

Jin Yiheng dragged her to sit down. "Mommy, the food at our canteen is delicious. Wait here, I'll go and get a portion for you."

She then sat down at the seat beside Jin Yiheng while Long Xiaoxi, who was sitting to one side, greeted her while scooping up her rice.

An Xiaoning noticed that she was dropping more food than she was eating, and there was even food that had dropped on her shirt. She took out a tissue and cleaned it carefully for her. "Xiaoxi, you've been here for so long, do you feel tired?"

"Not at all."