A Million Times for You (248)

Jing Shui attended the funeral, which was held at Fang Erlan's family home.

He left after the burial ceremony.

Fang Erlan returned to the production unit after handling her grandmother's funeral matters. The funeral was initially supposed to be held for three days. However, it was cut short due to the rising temperatures.

Just as she returned, she heard about Yan Ge's upcoming wedding from Jing Shui.

Fang Erlan nodded and did not make any comments after hearing about it.

She headed to the makeup room and sat down beside Yan Ge, who was having his makeup done, the moment she saw him.

The stylists in the makeup room began helping her do her makeup and hair.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror and noticed that her eyelids were swollen and that she was looking rather haggard. Clearly, she had suffered a huge blow from her grandmother's death.