A Million Times for You (257)

Noticing that the elderly lady was picking up the instant noodles on the ground and placing them inside her box while grousing about how useless she was, An Xiaoning took out a few dollar bills and stuffed them into the elderly lady's hand. She then swiftly turned around to leave before the elderly lady got to see her face.

That woman proceeded to commit even more atrocious acts brazenly.

Whenever she saw the visitors making a call on their phones, she would use the same method to make them drop their mobile phones onto the ground.

Whenever she saw nurses carrying stretchers, she would stick her leg out to trip them.

She then entered the elevator and played a prank on a young man and a middle-aged woman by causing them to hug each other tightly, refusing to let them move away no matter how hard they tried.

An Xiaoning really wanted to stop her with an amulet.