Perplexed and Smitten (19)

Not in the mood to waste her breath arguing, An Xiaoning said, "Are you going to scram or not?"

After some thought, Hu Xin answered, "I'll leave immediately if Mr. Jin wants me to scram, but… I won't if it's just you who wants me to, Ms. An."

An Xiaoning yelled at the door, "Two of you, come in."

The two bodyguards immediately rushed inside and asked, "Young Madam, do you have any orders for us?"

"Throw this woman out of here."

An Xiaoning must have been infuriated to the point that she wished she could rip Hu Xin apart, given that she used the word "throw."

"I'll see which one of you dares to touch her!" Henry barked. However, his intervention proved to be futile for the bodyguards would not obey him while he was suffering a relapse.

"I'm sorry, Young Sir, but you used to only obey Young Madam, and since that's the case, we wouldn't dare to defy Young Madam's orders."

Thus, Hu Xin was brought out of the room.