Perplexed and Smitten (42)

The moment he began thrusting himself in and out of her willfully, An Xiaoning grabbed his arm and said softly, "Long Tianze is outside."

Jin Qingyan answered nonchalantly, "So what if he is? He can't possibly be here for anything serious at such a late hour. We'll just let him wait."

He continued with the act.

Realizing that Jin Qingyan did not seem to hear him, Long Tianze decided to lean against the door to try and listen for sounds coming from inside the bedroom, all despite knowing that Jin Qingyan had installed the best soundproofing system in his bedroom. To his disappointment, he could not hear a thing at all.

Could it be that he's not in?

Long Tianze scurried downstairs and asked Fan Shixin, "Dummy, is your Young Sir really upstairs?"

"Of course, I saw him going upstairs with my own eyes."

"Is your Young Madam home, too?"
